The State Government has held a press conference today announcing that they will fund payments to individuals outside of the Federal Government Hot Spots – which means all South Australians impacted by the 7 day lockdown will have access to the government grants.
The Federal Government will continue to fund eligible individuals in declared hotspots.
Mr Lucas also announced today the State Government will fund eligible businesses the $3,000 emergency cash grant (or $1,000 for non employing businesses).
What you need to know
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a payment of $1,500 to provide financial support to individuals who cannot work and earn income because they are directed by a state or territory health official to self-isolate or quarantine as a result of COVID-19
Individual and Household Support
There may be additional eligibility requirements based on the NSW & Victoria support packages in relation to minimum age and residency however we will provide further updates as they come through from the government.
SA Small Business
To be eligible for the one-off $3,000 emergency cash grant, a business must, as at 12:01am Tuesday 20 July 2021:
**To be eligible for the one-off $1,000 emergency cash grant, a non-employing business must meet the criteria listed above excluding the requirement to employ people.
These payments will be paid in arrears for the lockdown.
Applications for individual payments can be made through myGov from Wednesday 28 July 2021.
If you do not have a myGov account click here to get started.
Business Cash Grants are expected to open within the next two weeks via the treasury website. Please reach out directly by reply email or phone should you have any queries.
As the current situation plays out, we remain resilient, and we will get through this.
If you need anything TTO. is here to help and advocate on your behalf. As further updates are provided as always we will keep you informed.
Stay strong